World's Most Efficient Furnace
"The World's Most Efficient Furnace" is a 95% efficient condensing oil fired furnace. 50,000 through 250,000 BTU, 2.5 through 10 tons cooling, 35% more heat with matching fuel savings. CSA Design certified for USA & Canada. Completely assembled, factory tested furnace, for heating or combination heating/cooling application. For utility room, closet, alcove, basement or attic application. Lowboy, Upflow, Counterflow & Horizontal models available.
Residential and Commercial Gas & Oil Furnaces
The most complete product line available.
Low operation cost with maximum efficiency.
C.S.A. design certified for U.S.A. and Canada.
Highboy Series
Available for either residential, commercial or light industrial use. Input sizes from 70,000 to 1,000,000 BTU/Hr. These compact highboy models will fit into utility rooms, basements or right on a factory floor. Standard models are equipped with front flues; rear flues are available on special order. Two stage firing is available on 700,000 and 1,000,000 BTU models.
Horizontal Series
Especially designed for convenient installation in garages, attics or crawl space installations in homes, stores, service stations factories and warehouses. No furnace or utility room needed. Hanger channels, filters and 2-stage pump are optional. Two stage firing is available on 700,000 and 1,000,000 BTU models.
Counterflow Series
The Counterflow model is specifically designed for use in concrete slab buildings or those with crawl space areas using perimeter or radial type systems. Non-combustable base available for installation on wood floors. Available from 90,000 to 1,000,000 BTU/Hr. Standard models are equipped with front flues; rear flues available on special order. Two stage firing is available on 700,000 and 1,000,000 BTU models.
Lowboy Series
Designed for buildings or homes with basements; Heat exchangers are heavy gauge, cylindrical designed steel. Standard with rear flue. Front flue models are available on special order. Available from 90,000 to 1,000,000 BTU/Hr. Two stage firing is available on 700,000 and 1,000,000 BTU models.
Gravity Gas Furnaces
Gas fired gravity furnaces are the standard of the indusrty. Tops in thermal efficiency. With this modern furnace you are assured of a lifetime of comfortable living in a well heated home featuring top quality at low cost.

All of the furnaces shown here are easily adapted for use as summer air-conditioning units. Simply add a cooling package to an existing gas or oil-fired warm air furnace. All air conditioners are air cooled and require no water source. Complete range of models and sizes are available.
Infra-red Heaters
Sun Heat
Low Intensity Infra-Red Heaters
Sizes to fit your needs. Sun Heat radiant system directs the heat down to where it belongs... fuel savings of 30% to 50%.
The DK-Series features cordierite-based, grooved ceramic tile. It has permeable design with alternating rows of precision perforations terminating in slots. Minimum 0.045" diameter perforations. Minimum 190 perforations per sq. inch. Up to 1850°F surface temperature. Capable of reaching full intensity temperature in less than 30 seconds. Stable-flame shorter and closer to ceramic.
Unit Heaters
Classic Compact Unit-Heater
Certified for residential and commercial applications. Designed for natural or LP gases. Attractive low-profile design will blend inconspicuously into any garage decor. Quiet vibration-free operation. Standard power exhaust simplifies side-wall or roof venting with small-diameter vent pipe. Installs quickly and easily with field wiring connections for quick access to gas and electricity.
Because warm air rises, a lot of expensive heat is hovering around the ceiling instead of warming the floor below. But a Uni-Pak unit heater captures that hot air and directs it anywhere - across or down - to make any space more comfortable. The Uni-Pak unit heater features attractive styling over plenty of power. Available in standing pilot or electric pilot from 65,000 to 200,000 BTU input. The permanently lubricated fan motor has thermal overload protection, and features a time on / time off fan switch. (200,000 BTU model has two fan motors.)
95% Efficient Condensing Oil Fired Unit Heater
50, 75, 100, 125,000 BTU. 35% more heat with matching fuel saving. Stainless steel heat exchanger with molded pyro-ceramic combustion chamber heats up instantly on fireup. CTL design Certified for U.S.A. & Canada. Completely assembled, factory tested, unit heater for commercial applications. Adjustable louvers put the heat where it is needed.
Gas Burners
DU Upshot and DA Inshot Burners
Rugged cast iron adjustable venturi - places the flame in optimum location for oil furnaces. Readily removable pilot, flame spreader and pilot lighter. Durable pre-drilled steel mounting flange - for easy mounting. Optional adjustable orifice available - Gas saver model pilot light is on only during heating cycle. Optional collar flange reduces tube length.
DSPT Economy Upshot Burner
Adjustable venturi length and height - places flame in optimum location for virtually all coal furnaces or boilers. Rugged cast iron flame spreader. Extremely compact design - fits where other burners will not. Trim plate mounting for ease of installation. Optional adjustable orifice, extra length riser available. Gas saver model available - pilot light is on only during heating cycle.
DHP - Spacesaver Power Burner
Compact Design - Saves Space - Adjustable Orifice
Fits the smallest enclosures. Easily accessible air and firing rate adjustment. Completely factory wired with motor, transformer, and terminal block mounting on slide out chassis. Slide out gas valve and manifold. Rugged steel mounting flange, 5" or 8" extension sleeve optional. Constant or intermittent pilot.
D2T - Power Gas Burner
With capacities up to 850,000 BTUs, the G2T features 4" diameter blast tube, spark ignition - no pilot, fits the smallest enclosures, fires in to small combustion chambers with increased efficiency, easily accessible air and firing rate adjustment and much more.
Oil Burners
Patented Turbo-Reversed-Air System or TRA, the major breakthrough that accounts for INTERburner's fuel economy. Inside each INTERburner, TRA stabilizes dynamic pressure while maintaining high static pressure. It creates the most uniform airflow at the combustion head and gives precise control for the most effective mixing of combustion air with the oil on the combustion head... accomplishing efficiency levels never before achieved. INTERburner's flame burns hotter and cleaner... requiring less fuel to heat you home.
Air Cleaners
24 Volt Central System Electronic Air Cleaner
Connects with 24 volt wires from the existing transformer on the heating and/or air conditioning unit to the air cleaner directly. Cheaper, faster and easier to install. Eliminates the need for a sail switch or pressure switch with a built-in solid state airflow sensing device. Uses 40VA transformer already on the furnace and/or air conditioner. Power supply boosts the 24-volt input to proper high voltage to the collector cells. Maintains consistent output voltage to the cells for maximum efficiency. No other air cleaner does this. With other cleaners, the voltage to the cells drops as they collect and efficiency decreases.
Dornback Air-Guard® Central System Return Grill Electronic Air Cleaner
For homes, condominiums, apartments, mobile homes and applications where there is a common return grill rather than separate return air ducts from each room, the RG-1000 fits the bill. Larger homes with more than one return grill may require an additional return grill air cleaner, but will find that this improves the air quality even more.
Self-Contained Ceiling Mount Electronic Air Cleaner
Maintains constant output voltage to the cell for maximum efficiency. With other cleaners, the voltage to the cells drops as it collects and efficiency decreases dramatically.
Portable Electronic Air Cleaners
This Air-Guard® electronic air cleaner cleans the air in enclosed spaces such as homes or offices. A built-in fan draws air through an electronic cell and activated carbon filter to remove dust, lint, pollen, tobacco smoke, cooking smoke, and household odors. Removes up to 95% of the dust, dirt, smoke, and pollen from the air you breathe.
Air-Guard Media-Type Central System Model
Allergy sufferers may find the new Air-Guard to be especially beneficial because it takes out so many of the things that bother them. You will not suffer the discomfort of stale, polluted air. Relax and enjoy the freshness that clean air brings.
Why you need humidity
Outside air infiltrates your home to replace the thousands of cubic feet of air
consumed by your furnace, water heater and fireplace. When this air is heated,
it dries out your home. You need to replace this moisture with a humidifier.
As an example, if outside air at 20° with 60% relative humidity infiltrates your home and is heated to 72°
the relative humidity drops to only 8%. You need 25-45% for comfort and well being, but outside air infiltrates
your home and robs you of the necessary humidity.
Proper humidity makes you feel more comfortable, protects your home and furnishings from drying and
cracking, and reduces annoying static electricity that shocks you when you touch anything metal. Because you
are comfortable with a lower thermostat setting, you can save from 10% to 20% on your fuel bill, too.
How do they work
Dornback humidifiers are the answer to all the dry air problems in your home. When the relative humidity drops below the set point, the humidifier will automatically begin to supply water to the water pad or media. As the dry air passes through the water media or pad, air is humidified and carried throughout your home as water vapor. As a result, lower heating costs are achieved. In addition, this stops wood shrinkage, static electricity and other problems which normally occur without humidity. All Dornback humidifiers produce humidity in a safe and pure water vapor form. No mist or
droplets are present which can carry impurities. All minerals and impurities left from the evaporation process are flushed down the drain with ease.
Air Conditioners
Air Conditioning Packages
Most People already know the benefit of air conditioning your home! Air conditioning is available for year round comfort, it can be installed now or next year. Air-cooled condensing units and an "A" or "H" coil are easily installed with your furnace. Your condensing furnace is pre-wired to accept add-on cooling whenever you are ready.
Other Components
Draft-O-Stat® Draft Control
Draft-O-Stat has for many years been the standard barometric draft control mechanism for boilers, furnaces, oil burners and stokers. Millions of successful installations on domestic, commercial and industrial heating equipment have established its leadership in the field.
Current Sensing Relay Model D50 (24 Volt)
For interfacing humidifiers with all types of forced air furnaces and air conditioning equipment. The Model A50 (24 volt) Current Sensing Relay has been designed for interfacing humidifiers with most heating and cooling systems. This type of relay is more reliable and inexpensive than using sail switches, pressure switches or other types of relays.
Current Sensing Relay Model D51 (120 Volt)
For interfacing humidifiers or electronic air cleaners with all types of forced air furnaces and air conditioning equipment. The Model A51 (120 volt) Current Sensing Relay has been designed for interfacing humidifiers or air cleaners with most heating and cooling systems. This type of relay is more reliable and inexpensive than using sail switches, pressure switches or other types of relays.
Sparklite® Electronic Ignition Systems
Specially designed and engineered to fit most gas heating systems. Cycling pilot saves energy and money year-round! The Gas Saver Retrofit package makes the gas ignition system on your furnace or boiler comparable to the one on a new furnace. Can be used on equipment up to 400,000 B.T.U./Hr.
Fast response, high accuracy, reads temperature and humidity simultaneously. Versatile, portable and easy to use. Fits right in your shirt pocket!